Sunday, November 27, 2011


Summer how cruel you are in your ways.

First you taunt me with visions of FREEDOM and happy times away from studying
then you remind me what summer actually means....REPRESSION!

no I cannot wander idyllically through meadows or any long grass
I am stuck inside!

Because the hours of 11-4 typically call for an extra 10degrees in the weather gauge
AND I am not quite partial to melanoma
I have set my summer butt next to a fan (/the AC when it decides to work.)

I am v. glad I can work from home this summer
otherwise I'm pretty sure I would be a pile of goo on the bitument by now.

..on the weekends however
I make a special effort to walk/limp or crawl to nature or events with friends
(there is only so much INSIDE a lady can take)
so without further ado here are some of me and luke's weekend times

(Gem show at the Sunshine coast + GOMA + westend wanderings)

Quartz + Pyrite

Sebastian + Luke

Our good friend David + Luke

Dot fury


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